Video Walkthrough:

Text Walkthrough:

When you're done falling, you'll land on level 2. First thing's first, walk over to the yellow dumpster up against the door. Pull it away from the door and push it over by the debris surrounding the train. Now walk behind it, and jump and grab onto the lid of it and allow yourself to fall back down, opening the lid on it. Now you need to walk over to the debris and pick up 5 pieces and place them in the dumpster (I'd suggest using the smallest pieces you can for this as it's easier). Once you place 5 pieces in, you'll unlock:
Public service in Human Fall Flat
Public service 22 (10)
Place 5 pieces of debris in a dumpster
  • Unlocked by 6,038 tracked gamers (20% - TA Ratio = 2.22)29,963
Now you need to climb in the dumpster and go for a little joyride. It's a bit awkward and tough to get the dumpster to move, but what I did was go to either the front or back of it, grab onto it with both arms, and jump. That way I'd be pushing the dumpster without actually jumping out of it. I rode it from beside the debris to almost the edge, then turned around. Repeat this process and you'll get:
Convertible ride in Human Fall Flat
Convertible ride 77 (30)
Ride 50m in a dumpster
  • Unlocked by 4,598 tracked gamers (15% - TA Ratio = 2.55)29,963
You can also track this achievement to see how far you've gone. Now that those are out of the way, continue through the only door in the area, and immediately to your right you'll see a bench flipped upside down (kids these days eh?). Since you're on a roll with being such a good human, you should take it upon yourself to make this right. Walk in front of it and grab it and push it forwards to flip it right side up again. Now the annoying part is getting it up against the wall, as you can't simply push it from the front. What I did was go to one end of the bench and pull it as far as I could towards the wall, then went to the other end of the bench and did the same. I repeated this until the bench was flush against the wall. Once you do that, you'll get:
Perfectionist in Human Fall Flat
Perfectionist 22 (10)
Align a flipped bench with a wall
  • Unlocked by 6,141 tracked gamers (20% - TA Ratio = 2.21)29,963
Now that you've done your civic duty for the level, turn around and you'll see some red train cars in an L shape. You'll want to pull the one that is parallel to the bench you just fixed towards it's yellow bearings so you're able to push the train car that is parallel with the door you want to go through onto it's yellow bearings and out of the way of the door. Once you've done that, head through the door into the next area. You'll see two more red train cars, one on the ground and one on a raised platform. Jump on top of the red train car on the ground, and then jump and pull yourself up to the red train car on the upper level. Head to the left of this and push the train car off the ledge so you can proceed through the door it was blocking.
In this next area you'll be in a park with a red box car. What you need to do is go on the red box car and grab onto the wall. While you're holding onto the wall, you need to walk to the left, and as you're doing this, you'll notice the box car moving towards the right (physics!). Keep doing this, readjusting yourself so you don't fall off, until you're able to jump to the platform with the next door and push the button to open the door and head into a hallway where you have to push another button to open another door to head on through.
Climb up the set of stairs and you'll see three box cars. Climb up the second set of stairs and walk onto the red box car. Grab onto the pillar and walk to the right, pushing the box car to the left. You can only go so far though, so once you reach the end you'll have to go to the second pillar and repeat. Keep doing this, repositioning if necessary, until you're able to hop on the box car with wooden planks on either side of it. From here, hop across to the long box car and walk down it. Walk up the set of stairs over here, push the button to open the door, and walk on through. As you're falling, you'll unlock:
Choo Choo! in Human Fall Flat
Choo Choo! 22 (20)
Complete "Train"
  • Unlocked by 25,465 tracked gamers (85% - TA Ratio = 1.08)29,963

All aboard! Next stop, level 3!