TrueAchievements Walkthrough: Human Fall Flat

Hello and welcome to the TrueAchievements walkthrough for Human Fall Flat. This is a physics based puzzle platformer with some pretty unique, and at times frustrating, controls, which has the player navigating through 9 different levels traversing the terrain and completing puzzles to get to the exit at each level.
This walkthrough will be broken up into sections based on levels, and one section for achievements you might still need to work on after your first run through. Each level will have a text and a video walkthrough accompanied with it.
You're looking at about a 6-8 hour completion on average. It also might take you a bit to get used to the controls, but I'll cover that in the general hints and tips. When I started this game the controls honestly frustrated me to the point where I had to stop playing for a bit, but once you're used to it you'll be climbing objects in no time.
Speaking of controls, lets head over to the General Hints and Tips so we can dive into the controls in more detail.