Video Walkthrough:
Text Walkthrough:
Welcome to the final level of the game, Aztec. This level is by far the
worst in the game, so there's no wonder there are no miscellaneous
achievements associated with it. I apologize for the agonizing video
because I recorded it during my first ever playthrough of this level.
One important things to note are that you only need to play this level
when you're going for the Speedrun achievement. So if you didn't do the
first eight levels in one sitting don't waste your time doing this now.
This means if you've ever exited to the menu, the achievement is void
and you have to start again. You can leave the game running though if
you want, as having your controller die won't void the achievement as it
happened to me. Another important thing is that a lot of this level can
be skipped thankfully, so the video walkthrough will most likely be
much longer than the text walkthrough. Finally, the cheese method is
crucial to beating this level. I honestly wouldn't have been able to do
so without it, so if you're unfamiliar with it you better get a lot of
practice in. So without further ado, let's get on with this level.
Right when you start the level you'll see a big wall in front of you
with a hole under it in front of a gap. Close by you should see two
sticks acting as a lever with a slab of stone on one end. Grab one of
these sticks and slide it under the hole in the wall by the gap. Now you
need to pull up on the wood to pry the wall down to make a bridge
across. Take one of the sticks across with you. On the other side you'll
see a stone gate that's slightly ajar. What you need to do is slide the
stick in the bottom and move it to the right to pry open the gate. As
you can see in the video I struggled with this for some reason even
though I was doing it right...You'll know you have the correct position
and direction when you hear the sound of stone sliding. Once the gate is
open, head through to the next area.
Here if you walk forward, you'll see two cages suspended by ropes and a
platform in between them. What you need to do here is hop up the
platform in between the two cages until you're level with them. Once
here, hop on the cage to your right and then across to the other side
where you should see a shortish wall with a gap above it. Use the cheese
method to traverse this and head into the next area. (Note in the video
walkthrough I wasted time grabbing the box which I didn't even end up
Once you're in this next area, hop down from the wall and head to the
right and you'll see a box on a ledge. Use the cheese method to climb
the wall and grab the box. Jump down and place the box on the back end
of the teeter totter (side against the wall), then run to the other side
that's in the air. Once you're at the end and it starts falling, jump
and try and pull yourself up onto the platform. If you mess up the jump
it's okay it's still doable without the box on the other side weighing
it down. Once you're in this next area, set the box up beside the higher
ledge and climb up, then jump over to the broken piece of wall and walk
through the hole in the wall to get to the next area.
In this next area I'm going to save you some time and ignore everything.
Simply walk forward to the platform with the two sticks and look down.
You'll see some platforms in the lava. You'll also see some platforms
running level with you along the side of the lava column. So from the
platform with the two sticks, jump across to the platforms here and
follow them to the middle. Once you can't go anymore, jump down onto the
platforms in the lava. Once down here, you want to make your way to the
platform on the far right side, which has a wall in front of it. From
this platform, use the cheese method to traverse up this wall and into
the next area.
In this area you'll see two stone wall fragments. Use the cheese method
to climb up the one beside the gap and once on top, jump over to the
other area. Now in this area I actually had no clue what to do so I cut
about half the map. You'll see a teeter totter with a block beside it.
Pick up the block and place it on the end of the teeter totter that is
currently up. Now that that end is weighed down, run towards the other
end and jump towards the piece of wood hanging on the rock. Grab it and
pull it down. Now what you want to try and do it lay it down on the rock
to the right of you, facing the gap to your right. Drag it so it's
resting on the rock as flat as possible. Please use the video
walkthrough if you need more clarification. Now you need to run across
this plank and jump and try and grab onto the other section. If you
grabbed on, you now have to use the cheese method to traverse up it.
Again I highly suggest using the video walkthrough starting at 33 minutes. Once you manage to traverse this you're on to the next section.
Once you're on this side, ensure you go to the right, as that is the end
of the level. If you're going towards the swinging things you're going
the wrong way. Anyways you'll see a wall on the same side as the wall
you climbed up to get over here shaped like a T. Cheese your way up to
the top of this and jump over the gap to the next are. Over here you'll
see more things that are irrelevant to you, so just walk over to the
grey wall in front of you and use the cheese method to climb up it to
the final section of the game.
Unfortunately there's no cheesing your way past this puzzle. You'll see
some logs, a plank, a box, and a suspended box close to a grey stone
door. What you need to do is wedge the door open. Grab one of the logs
and place it parallel with the stone door. Grab the plank and place it
on the log to make a teeter totter, and ensure it is wedged a bit under
the stone door. Next, grab the second log and place it on top of the
plank so it's resting against the stone door and ready to roll down the
teeter totter once the door opens. Now go jump onto the suspended box
and pull it down as far as you can until the log rolls under the door.
You should now be able to walk underneath the door. Keep walking forward
and jump over one little platform at the end to reach the exit.
If you managed to beat all the levels in one sitting, you'll unlock:
Now you should have one achievement left, and that's for travelling 25
km. I unlocked it naturally as I did two playthroughs of the game, one
normal and one speedrun. But if you did your only playthrough as your
speedrun playthrough, then you might be able to rubber band your
controller and have your character walk around in a circle. I cannot
confirm this works however. But once you travel 25 km, you'll unlock
your final achievement:
Congratulations on your new 1000 gamerscore! If you have any questions
feel free to pm me as I do not get notifications from walkthrough forum
posts, so your questions will more than likely go unanswered there.
Now you should have one achievement left, and that's for travelling 25
km. I unlocked it naturally as I did two playthroughs of the game, one
normal and one speedrun. But if you did your only playthrough as your
speedrun playthrough, then you might be able to rubber band your
controller and have your character walk around in a circle. I cannot
confirm this works however. But once you travel 25 km, you'll unlock
your final achievement:
Congratulations on your new 1000 gamerscore! If you have any questions
feel free to pm me as I do not get notifications from walkthrough forum
posts, so your questions will more than likely go unanswered there.